Sunday, 23 August 2009
Speedpost : Liam Fox tells it like it is
What, you mean you've only just noticed?
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Speedpost - Crime
I made a comment on the Duty Sergeant's blog though and am reposting it here :
Mark my words - when the Bertie Humbug party comes to power many things will change when it comes to offenders.
Many will be subject to military style discipline and physical training - especially young offenders.
The few who make life difficult for the many will spend a lot longer inside.
Those who butcher children like baby P will swing.
Those who are extremely damaged by those people who are lower than animals will have much more access to psychological help.
Cons will get more help on release.
Things will change. Mark my words.
Monday, 13 July 2009
The Hypocrisy of the Left

They consistently manage to ignore the stark facts about just how rich and privileged some of these supposed heroes of the working class actually are. There are plenty of Labourites with substantial material wealth who indulge themselves with the benefits it brings.
There have also been plenty of recent examples where Labourites could have partaken personally in the less than privileged status of some of those they try to make believe they care about so much. Take schools, for example. The children of the little people could go to Gas Street Compo, but these were simply not good enough for the likes of the Harriet Harman or Diane Abbott and they sent their kids elsewhere.

If you're going to give the impression you're down with the undertrodden, the poor, the masses your actions need to speak louder than your words. So often the hypocrisy of these people shines through.
This doesnt stop the left from holding on to their prejudices though of course. I recently read a disjointed and ill concieved post from one of the lefts' number on a webpage somewhere. He seemed to indicate being a 'Tory' was about Garden Parties, champagne and strawberries. Naturally I had to reply.

"Maybe you’d like to recall there was a kerfuffle when rich boy Osborne met rich boy Mandelson on an even richer boys yacht.
What do you think Mandelson was doing there – thinking of new and ever more creative ways of improving the lot of the proletariat? Of course not – he was milking the trappings of his rich and privileged position.
Oh and how about your bent former Prime Minister Bliar? What about his £4million house in Central London?
Do you think he has champagne and strawberries in the fridge? I bet he does.
He’s milking the trappings of his privileged position too. But like Mandelson I expect his mind never wanders far from the task of thinking about new and ever more creative ways of improving the lot of the proletariat."
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Thought for the Day

"A breakup is like a bereavement without a death" - Who said that? Oh, I did. Not sure if anyone else did before me. I suspect they did as it has been true for a long time.
I love her, but I know there are things which mean we probably would not work out long term. She's my best friend and I am not sure how I am going to cope without her friendship.
I can't imagine her being with someone else, the thought is horrible. I just wish there was a way forward but I suppose there isn't.
I love her and she knows I do and she feels the same way but I suppose it's for the best.
Breaking up is hard to do. Someone definitely said that before me.
Edit : Sun 12 July 2009 : Thankfully we agreed to meet. I couldnt imagine not having her in my life and she felt the same way about me. We've talked about the issues we've had and we're seeing about a workable way forward! :-)
Monday, 6 July 2009
Andy McNab on Psychological Support for Troops

Labour have screwed over the Armed Forces. Its hard to abuse a body of trained armed men and women but they've done it. What excuse can there ever be for breaking the covenant and sending men off to war zones without proper equipment? Is it the case that Politicians and Civil Servants are there to think and Soldiers exist to die?
The crass negligence and arrogance of Labour is tantamount to criminal behaviour and neatly sums up the kind of people at the top of the Labour hierarchy. An incoming government has much to do with regard to the Armed Forces. Time will tell to what extent the Conservatives sort things out. Cutting the defence budget whilst absurdly leaving the bloated monster of the NHS simply because they're too scared or witless to take on Labour's health and 'investment' lies is no excuse. Defence spending should not be cut.
One thing that most certainly needs careful analysis and assessment is the psychological support for soldiers who have been in warfare. More men killed themselves after the Falklands than died in the war itself. Its safe to say psychological support for these men is severely lacking - this must not be allowed to continue.
The text below is how Andy McNab signs off the end of 'Seven Troop' - his account of his group of comrades in arms in the SAS. There are so many things to take from this but i think the message is very clear.
"Soldiers hit by PTDS are casualties of war just as much as [soldiers injured or killed in combat are]. A major mental health crisis faces those who have served our country.
We need to do something now, before we discover that more soldiers – regular and TA – have killed themselves since returning from
We need to remove the institutional and cultural barriers discouraging soldiers from counselling, therapy – whatever you chose to call it. Seeking help should be seen as a sign of strength and professionalism, a desire to keep yourself at peak efficiency. The US Delta Force have been doing this for years and I wouldn’t have them down for a bunch of wimps.
We shouldn’t be surprised by what happens to men who have been in conflict. The ancient Greeks recorded signs and symptoms in their soldiers after battle that we would now recognise as PTSD. We shouldn’t need secret places in
They need a little understanding and dare I say it? A whole lot of respect."
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Met Police Senior Management Don't Like Bloggers

As we know, the Times don't like Bloggers and actively move to destroy them
Well of course its worth remembering that the Met Police Senior Management don't like Bloggers either, especially ones that don't toady to them and tell the bad side of how it is.
It seems there was an awful lot to complain about when that awful weasel Sir Ian Blair was in charge - thankfully now he's been binned.
Its a real shame that this anti-democratic tendency in the MPS killed off World Weary Detective for example. However, his posts remain at
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Reminder : MPs aren't full time!
A couple of examples of Conservatives who work for other employers apart from their constituents on Parliamentary time are John Redwood and Oliver Letwin.

I am in two minds about this, i.e. whether this is a good thing or not. I have to say I am inclined towards the 'not' though maybe an exception could be made when Parliament is not sitting.
Letwin spends eight hours a week on his extra job, netting him £60k/yr - and he's supposed to be cooking up the Cons' election manifesto! Most people don't have enough time to do their jobs in an ordinary working week, and OL's main job is extremely important.

Everyone else has to work for their employer exclusively and gets 20 to 25 days holiday a year. MP dont have to work for their constituents all year and get a notional 'holiday' rather longer than that.
I can appreciate there is a need to withdraw from politics for a good period each year to recoup. However, demands from an external job during parliamentary time is unacceptable as far as I am concerned. The public have a right to expect a full time MP when Parliament is sitting.
I expect there is some sense in the notion of MPs retaining paid links with some organisations though i am not sure the 'keeping in touch with reality' excuse is very valid. Do MPs not have enough contact with non Political types aready? Is that contact not somehow not 'real' enough?

There's only so far you can take altruism.
*1 -
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Screw the Times!

Following a post about a fave journalist, here's a post about one who deserves little or no respect. I am insensed that the imbeciles at the Times have wrecked NightJack's blog and his career by outing him.
Journalists often wax lyrical about going to prison to protect their sources and this kind of thing. Enter modern times and the phenomenon of the Blogger. We have a situation where an individual has cut out the middle man and taken the reality of Policing in 21st century Britain straight to the people.
This was clearly too much for the Times and one of their hacks called Patrick Foster.
NightJack went to court to try and protect himself from the Times and lost.
No doubt Journalists would cite a lofty public interest defence in not disclosing their sources. But when someone has cut out the middle man, i.e. Journalists, it would seem these same journalists don't care any more about the public interest.
With this kind of hypocrisy, and these kinds of Journalists and Newpapers - who can blame someone for wanting to cut them out of the process of talking directly to the public in a blog?
Patrick Foster and the Times deserve your comments on their actions - feel free to email Foster at Remember to tell him what a complete tosser he is.
Monday, 15 June 2009
Jeff Randall is a legend

You've got to love Jeff Randall. Amongst a desert of myopic liberal left Journos he stands out, decisively telling it how it is.
He wrote a great piece this week in the Telegraph - here's some highlights :
In a recent YouGov poll for The Economist, the proportion of people who thought that Britain's membership of the European Union was a good thing was down to 31 per cent, from 43 per cent 25 years ago.
Those who saw it as a bad thing rose in the same period from 30 per cent to 37 per cent. Support for loosening Britain's ties jumped from 36 per cent to 51 per cent, and those in favour of complete withdrawal rose from 12 per cent to 21 per cent.
Many decent people, who are not xenophobic but feel under siege by alien cultures, want an end to mass immigration before the melting pot boils over.In a different YouGov poll, this one for the Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration, 35 per cent cited immigration as an issue that influenced their voting decisions. That compares with 12 per cent for the NHS, 12 per cent for crime and seven per cent for education.
As the architect of a policy that has dismantled border controls and allowed a quadrupling of net inward migration since 1997, it would have to admit to a catastrophic error. That will not happen because, as we know, Mr Brown doesn't do contrition.
Very few British people are happy with the prospect of immigration adding seven million to our population by 2028. We were never consulted; it was foisted upon us. This is the democratic deficit that the BNP exploits.
In a well-timed report for the think tank Civitas, Mervyn Stone, professor of statistics at University College London, accuses the Government of "sidelining honesty and truth in some of its major policy-making decisions".
He highlights the "research", if it can be so dignified, that led the Home Office in 2004 to predict between 5,000 and 13,000 arrivals a year from the EU's eight new nations. In fact, 600,000 turned up within the first 24 months.
As its authority crumbles, Labour's leadership is resorting to what George Orwell called "political language". This, he said, was "designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind".
In effect, the Prime Minister was trying to repeat the scare tactic that had worked so well for Labour at the last election in 2005, ie the Tories will obliterate our public services.
Mr Brown's use of the word "investment" that was so telling. In truth, much of Labour's spending is naked consumption, money burned in the pursuit of votes, with no return for the taxpayer.
Source article here.
Monday, 8 June 2009
A link worth clicking on

'Unsung and underappreciated, the British Army deserves a country more worthy of its valor. '
An American article about the British Military past and present. Well worth a read - unusual for an American article on such a subject.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Life is too short to be strung out
I think there is way too much stress in society. We seem to have kind of problem in acknowledging the psychological side of fulfilment and happiness in the South East of England especially, people just seem to be interested in self aggrandizement and money,money,money.
The importance of money can't be understated, we live in a financial world and always will. However, there is much much more to life than money alone.
I think we need to be much more focussed on maintaining a level of stress in our lives which is optimal, rather than excessive which seems to be the norm.
Hopefully one day we'll have grown up enough to recognise life is too import to spend rushing around from one pseudo calamity to another.
Its so easy to live life at 100mph and then one day realise you never had the time to do the things that really would have satisfied you.
Bear in mind that I am speakling mainly to myself here, but i expect it applies to lots of others too.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Modern policing summarised
So here it is, it may prove useful to an incoming home secretary - the principles of modern policing summarised :

Well nearly summarised, theres nothing in there about criminalising the generally law abiding,policing to hit Whitehall targets, or endless paperwork of course.
Good bosses are gold dust

What is it about management? Why oh why does it seem that as soon as you give someone a little bit of authority over other people then it goes to their heads and they can’t deal with it.
I’m not under any illusions, having responsibility is difficult – you have to deal with the interpersonal and personal issues of staff, you have to account for your staff’s actions to your own manager and beyond. However I am not sure that on a personal level many new managers especially have the maturity to deal with their new found ‘power’.
When will organisations, and I am sure this must be just as bad in the public sector as private, get their asses in gear and train people to be human beings as well as managers.
I am tired of the inflated egos of overpromoted ink monitors. I really can’t be doing with condescending arrogance.
Previously I have found it very hard and stressful to contain my thoughts where I have very little but contempt for the organisation I work for. Its not quite that bad at the moment, fingers crossed it stays that way.
One day maybe British management culture will change. I really think the use of 360 feedback would help in this regard, then people will really get to know where they have 'opportunities to improve'!
As and when I am management again I’ll have to put my money where my mouth is on this one I suppose, and not get sucked in to the ‘We’re superior to the little people’ idea that titillates so many immature egos.
Friday, 22 May 2009
A Beautiful Way to Protest

Just had to link to this.
Pants protest in NYC. Wish i had been there (and there, and there, and there....)
Immigration and Response

Most of us see a person not a colour. But at the same time the issue of immigration and the composition of our society is a serious one and cannot be shoved under the carpet. Except that it is, because people are terrified of being accused of being racist if they express an opinion that digresses from the liberal left zeitgeist. A lot of people are angry though, and this anger is likely to find its way into support for the BNP on June 4th. The establishment want us to think of this as being a terrible thing, but this phenomenon is their creation, they’re responsible for it.(See *4 for more info on this)
[Edit : To be clear i certainly do not support the BNP. Dig a little deeper and you will find that they want an all white Britain. This grates against principle of fairness and decency you can think of and is genuine bona fide racism -unsurprisingly) (*3)
Also you dont have to look round too much to find such quotes like this : "[Winston Churchill] was a f***ing c*** who led us into a pointless war with other whites [Nazi Germany] standing up for their race.'- This was said BNP director of publicity Mark Collett (*5)]

The prevailing culture in this country, we are told, comes from the British Christian tradition. It has been melded by hundreds of years of common history. Our rights and freedoms have been bought at the highest possible price. Our sense of morality and decency we thought we had in common with each other often seems to be under assault.
It is the people of a country that determine a country’s culture and values. It would completely daft to think that huge bodies of foreigners moving to this country will somehow adopt our ways by osmosis. Thanks to the stupidity of multi-culti it is almost guaranteed to not happen.
The culture and values of the country must inexorably continue to change as a result of the deluge of immigration that has happened as a result of a Labour government. The news today is that not only are the majority of babies born in London not from what could be called the 'indigenous' community, they’re born to mothers who were not even born in this country themselves.(*2).

The end result of this will mean that ever increasing political power will reside with 'communities' that many of us are unlikely to have much in common with. To exemplify how values affect behaviour you can't help but notice that a very substantial majority of all of the high profile knifings of 'youths' involve BME people, black in particular. This isn’t random chance – this comes from their values, or rather, lack of them. These are most certainly not traditional British values. Of course, this pales into insignificance if you consider the threat from the enemy within who (we’re told), ‘pervert’ Islam. The problem of wannabe exploding holy warriors is going to get even worse too because of birth rates.
Even if net immigration were to be halted today (and it most certainly will not be) then the birth rate of born abroad mothers is 2.54 children versus 1.79 to mothers born in the UK(*2). This means that the indigenous population is just go to keep on shrinking and shrinking. Meanwhile total population will just keep on growing and growing. We have millions of new immigrants here under Labour, many of child bearing age.

It would be easy to make a cheap and easy assumption about this post. I am not saying all people of non white origin are bad or anything like that. Not at all, I reiterate, I see people as people not a colour and so do most ordinary decent people. Most have no time for actual racism. It’s up to us to make sure that genuine kindness and kinship are offered regardless to our decent countrymen. Who in their right mind would support the BNP’s eugenicist fantasises of an all white Britain.
However the issue of immigration has far more reaching implications than the skin pigmentation of the high street. There are very substantial considerations of identity and values as I have already mentioned, we can’t ignore them.
If there is some light on the horizon, it is that 7 in 10 adults want immigration cut by 80% (*1). If you agree with me, and I hope you do, we’re not exactly alone in our views and that is encouraging.
This issue is such a difficult one to deal with. Discussing the issue and finding a sensible way forward is a minefield but that’s what politics is about. Most certainly it has to take account of the fact that no-one wants any ordinary decent Brit who happens not to be white to feel ostracised or tarred by the actions of others.

We shouldn’t be in this position at all though to the extent that we are. There has been very little economic or social case at all for immigration such as we have seen, but thanks to the systematic deliberate failure of Labour and their open door policy here we are. They know what percentage of born-abroads vote Labour. Was this the primary concern in their minds all along? If this is the case how could you describe such a thing except as a serious abuse of power that surely would have to go down in huge letters in the history. Surely there would have to be a case, were evidence to be found, of legal action and some kind of impeachment.
We have an obligation to deal with facts .We mustn't be hamstrung, silenced or trampled on by politically correct goons and their 'received wisdom'. The change being wrought on us by immigration is huge and has many consequences, many are negative.

We’ve got to speak our minds. We shouldn’t be coerced into staying silent any longer.
(1* -
(*3 -
(*4 - A supporting view comes from Rod Liddle in the Times, though as you expect he doesnt mention immigration. : "There is no doubt that [Nick Griffin] has managed to secure the angry support of some white working-class British people, a tranche of the population that has been neglected by the mainstream parties and by Labour in particular."
Oh and a certain pint sized ginger prat called Hazel Blears said something similar. Didn't mention immigration either though of course :
(*5 -
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Hat Tip to Mark Russell of GQ

Tony Bliar - remember him? He was the one who decieved and manipulated you into thinking that a New Labour victory in 1997 would result in good governance.
Of course, you might not have bought this idea. I certainly never did and just maybe you didn't either.
Amongst other things Blair's years were characterised by spin, aka manipulation and deceit. One of the things that was spun was that the female contingent of Labour MPs were somehow 'babes'. Erm, excuse me?
I read a great piece by Mark Russell in GQ Magazine the other day (April 2009 edition). This article compared the relative attractiveness of British female politicians to their continental counterparts. All rather tongue in cheek of course , but I just had to share this quote :
"...that mendacious moniker 'Blair Babes' was surely a spin too far. Look at the famous 1997 photograph of the 101 female Mps alongside Blair on the steps of Church House in Westminster - its like a gaggle of underperforming supply teachers from the provinces out in the metropolis for an NUT conference."
I can only say : hahahahahaha!
Monday, 11 May 2009
Where really driving some of them?

I was reading the comments on an article by George Monbiot on the G20 protests recently. Being a Guardian piece, most of the comments are predictably naïve, though if you cut through that to some of the legitimate points they can be quite interesting. Most comments are very one sided and basically anti police as you might expect.
One of the commentators makes the assertion that the Police exist to protect the interests of the wealthy (*1).The patent dumbness of this assertion makes me wonder sometimes how people can blinker themselves to reality in the pursuit of attempting to support their prejudices.
So do the Police exist to protect the interests of the wealthy alone? Since when have the police had a general policy of failing to respond to an incident due to the socioeconomic circumstances of the victim? A policeman said to me once that most the victims of, and perpetrators of crime are usually the lowest rung on society. Therefore taking that observation as accurate a great deal police time is taken up dealing with the less well off not only as offenders but also as victims.
Its not too hard to find where some people draw their inspiration. Elsewhere in the comments for the Monbiot piece you can see references made to Friedrich Engel’s writings about the capitalist state and how it is maintained by bodies of armed men - (unlike totalitarian states obviously).
Ah, so now we’re getting down to the real motivation of some of these people – their communist or neo communist beliefs.
I read through the comments on this article to try and get a better understanding of the political viewpoints of those who see things differently to me. And what I have seen is that a fundamental driver for some at least is not simply a desire to ‘make things better’ as we all do but simply coming at it from a different perspective, but an altogether more suspicious and dodgy mindset.
This is all useful knowledge of course, because once you realise where people are really coming from then it is clear that it is even more important to resist them than you first thought!
P.S. Who are these ‘working class’ any way? The last time I looked many people in the trades (plumbers, electricians, builders) were on more money than a lot of white collar professionals, especially junior ones. This talk of class and such is mostly completely out of date. Naturally organs such as the BBC routinely use terms such as ‘the Workers’ belying their own left of centre orientation which is common knowledge of course.
*1 - (see comment by Seenitalready)
Monday, 27 April 2009
Luton gives its verdict
I am pleased to say that clearly the good people of Luton made their voice very clear!
Check out this youtube video.
Lets hope that the counter demos organised don't get taken over by the loutish football thug element. Remember that by giving yourself over to hate in this kind of situation will just make you as bad as they are.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Poverty. Another word to be suspicious of.
Poverty now sounds like another word that has been devalued because generally there's an unhealthy dose of cobblers surrounding its use.
Other words to be suspicious of include Community and Partnership. Anything, usually in the related to the public sector, that contains these words should be treated with suspicion.
But as for poverty? Well I am sure real poverty is a serious issue but the term is used and abused without too much though it seems. I am sure we're all right to be concerned about squalor which must exist here too but what about this poverty thing? How often do we hear of ‘families’ on benefits who coin it on a PAYE salary of £50k or more, and get a car chucked in for good measure?
How often do you see interviews with the ‘poor’ and there’s a nice fat flat screen TV in the corner. So often these people seem to have a nice little life thanks very much. Of course its well known that around 1million of the multimillions on sickness benefit could actually work if they chose to do so.
Any debate on ‘poverty’ should go hand in hand with a concerted effort to remove benefit from slackarse quite often Labour voting scroungers. According to the telegraph article ‘Campaigners estimate than an extra £3billion would have to be spent in benefits and tax credits for the worst-off in order to reduce the number of children living in poverty’. I havent read the report but i wonder if it suggests anywhere where this money should come from.
Of course any competent reputable government would ensure that children are properly funded by the sperm donors (absent fathers) who are jointly responsible for their presence on this earth. But could Labour cope with this challenge by getting the CSA to work? (*2) Of course not. The complete fools.
(*1 -")
(*2 -
Monday, 20 April 2009
Things I don't like

The Government
The Labour Party
Sky high immigration
American presidents who are not very clever.
Celebrity culture
BBC bias.
Ian Hislop
Stand up comedians who get political
People with no values.
Sky high immigration
Dangerous drivers (see last)
Sky high immigration
Moral equivalence
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Polish immigration - the price gets even higher
What a dreadful and completely tragic story - a carload of innocent people wiped out by a Polish immigrant going the wrong way on the motorway.
You can scarcely comprehend how awful this must be for the remaining family of the family members wiped out by this.
The story is here :
I wonder if it will turn out that the driver in this case had been drinking.
This is particularly likely as figures from one course provider show that more than one in ten drink drivers on their courses are from Eastern Europe (*1)
Eastern Europeans caught by roadside breath tests are also twice as likely as the average drink driver to be serious offenders who have at least two-and-a-half times the legal limit of alcohol in their systems (*1).
Also, the Motor Insurance Bureau said the number of crashes involving uninsured Polish vehicles had risen from 938 in 2004 to 3,312 last year. It had also dealt with 745 cases involving uninsured Lithuanian vehicles last year, up from 232 in 2004. The MIB is lobbying for a European-wide database of insurance policies to allow police to check instantly whether a foreign vehicle is insured.(*1).
As you would expect from a Labour government no record is kept on the number of foreign vehicles in the country(*1), much like their attitude to immigrants in general of course.
Foreign drivers also tend to have a poor grasp of British traffic laws (*1). In fact one force had to waste tax payers money on translating drink drive campaign messages into Polish to try and get the message across. (*2). Its not just drink driving either. DoT figures suggest one in five foreign drivers stopped at random by police is in breach of UK motoring law - nearly double the number of UK offenders. (*3)
Clearly there is no checking of the number of foreign cars here, and therefore presumably no data on the number of foreigners who can legally drive under the present arrangements, its very hard to know if the cars are safe or insured. These foreign drivers dont have to have their cars registered or checked for safety for six months to a year and they dont have to know British road law.
The post 2004 EU accession arrangements (courtesy of Labour) allowed the deluge of Eastern European immigrants into the country. Clearly and most characteristically for these incompetent (lethal) buffoons they failed on many many accounts to prepare a proper framework for this.
And is it therefore any surprise that this kind of tragedy is now more likely to happen?
Another thing we can thank the Labour Party for.
*1 -
*2 -
*3 -
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Some things I like

Going for walks in the sun.
Nice food.
Feeling loved.
Feeling happy.
The British Military