What is it about management? Why oh why does it seem that as soon as you give someone a little bit of authority over other people then it goes to their heads and they can’t deal with it.
I’m not under any illusions, having responsibility is difficult – you have to deal with the interpersonal and personal issues of staff, you have to account for your staff’s actions to your own manager and beyond. However I am not sure that on a personal level many new managers especially have the maturity to deal with their new found ‘power’.
When will organisations, and I am sure this must be just as bad in the public sector as private, get their asses in gear and train people to be human beings as well as managers.
I am tired of the inflated egos of overpromoted ink monitors. I really can’t be doing with condescending arrogance.
Previously I have found it very hard and stressful to contain my thoughts where I have very little but contempt for the organisation I work for. Its not quite that bad at the moment, fingers crossed it stays that way.
One day maybe British management culture will change. I really think the use of 360 feedback would help in this regard, then people will really get to know where they have 'opportunities to improve'!
As and when I am management again I’ll have to put my money where my mouth is on this one I suppose, and not get sucked in to the ‘We’re superior to the little people’ idea that titillates so many immature egos.
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