I think there is way too much stress in society. We seem to have kind of problem in acknowledging the psychological side of fulfilment and happiness in the South East of England especially, people just seem to be interested in self aggrandizement and money,money,money.
The importance of money can't be understated, we live in a financial world and always will. However, there is much much more to life than money alone.
I think we need to be much more focussed on maintaining a level of stress in our lives which is optimal, rather than excessive which seems to be the norm.
Hopefully one day we'll have grown up enough to recognise life is too import to spend rushing around from one pseudo calamity to another.
Its so easy to live life at 100mph and then one day realise you never had the time to do the things that really would have satisfied you.
Bear in mind that I am speakling mainly to myself here, but i expect it applies to lots of others too.
Unfortunately it applies to me also. I spend far too much time thinking about my career and the effects it has on me daily. This means 'work' is often brought 'home'. As for money, sometimes we have to take stock of the wealth we have. If you were rich, would you change your family, your friends, the way you look, would what is important to you become less important, would your morals change? In most cases the answer would be no. Wealth doesn't bring happiness, it increases the desire for more, to ensure you are at the pinnacle of your profession. How many businessmen and women, artists and musicians have committed suicide when they have a life most of us would crave for? It is hard to avoid the lure of wealth, but when you really consider its worth, it only seems to bring more troubles. I'm one of the richest poor men I know, sometimes I just forget that fact.